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Bumble Bees, Honey Bees, Cuckoo Bees, Carpenter Bees

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Apidae Species

Subfamily Species Author Year Common Name uBio NCBI ITIS GBIF Wikipedia Wikispecies Bugguide Wisconsin Iowa North America Google Google Google Google
Apinae Apis andreniformis Smith, 1858 Black Dwarf Honey Bee Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Wikp_sm Wiks_sm False False False Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Apis cerana Fabricius, 1793 Asiatic Honey Bee Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wikp_sm Wiks_sm False False False Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Apis dorsata Fabricius, 1793 Giant Honey Bee Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wikp_sm Wiks_sm False False False Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Apis florea Fabricius, 1787 Red Dwarf Honey Bee Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wikp_sm Wiks_sm False False False Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Apis koschevnikovi Enderlein, 1906 Koschevnikov's Bee Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Wikp_sm Wiks_sm False False False Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 European Honey Bee Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wikp_sm Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True True True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Apis nigrocincta Smith, 1861 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Wikp_sm Wiks_sm False False False Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus affinis Cresson, 1863 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True True True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus auricomus (Robertson, 1903) Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wikp_sm Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus bimaculatus Cresson, 1863 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus borealis Kirby,1837 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus fervidus (Fabricius, 1798) Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus griseocollis (DeGeer, 1773) Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus impatiens Cresson, 1863 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer, 1773) Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wikp_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus perplexus Cresson, 1863 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus rufocinctus Cresson, 1863 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus ternarius Say, 1837 Tricolored Bumble Bee Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wikp_sm Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus terricola Kirby, 1837 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True True True Books Scholar Text Images
Apinae Bombus vagans Smith, 1854 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True True True Books Scholar Text Images
Nomadinae Nomada articulata Smith, 1854 Ubio_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Bugguide_sm True Unknown True Books Scholar Text Images
Nomadinae Nomada cuneata Robertson, 1903 Ubio_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small True Unknown True Books Scholar Text Images
Nomadinae Nomada maculata Cresson, 1863 Cuckoo Bees Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Bugguide_sm True True True Books Scholar Text Images
Nomadinae Nomada sayi Robertson, 1893 Ubio_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Bugguide_sm True Unknown True Books Scholar Text Images
Xylocopinae Ceratina dupla Say, 1837 Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Bugguide_sm True Unknown True Books Scholar Text Images
Xylocopinae Xylocopa virginica (Linnaeus, 1771) Eastern Carpenter Bee Ubio_sm Ncbi_sm Itis_sm Gbif_small Wikp_sm Wiks_sm Bugguide_sm True False True Books Scholar Text Images


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Updated: 2009-10-22 00:33:42 -0500.